Briar Ridge |
Slope/Rating: 138/73.1 Par:
72 |
Captain |
Mike Gozdecki |
Captain's Cell |
219 712-0996 |
Captain's Email |
mikeelmwood@gmail.com |
Assistant |
Tom Gallas |
Assistant's Cell |
219*688*5040 |
Assistant's Email |
tom.gallas@gmail.com |
Club Phone |
219 322-3660 |
Club Fax |
219 865-4518 |
Club Pro |
Josh Martin, PGA |
Pro's Email |
joshua@briarridgecc.com |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Cory Novak |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Matt Isaacson |
Chef |
Jeff Seapan |
General Manager |
Sean Shaia |
Superintendent |
Eric Cross |
Idlewild |
Slope/Rating: 137/71.5 Par:
72 |
Captain |
Kevin Qunell |
Captain's Cell |
708-929-8792 |
Captain's Email |
Kevin.qunell@gmail.com |
Assistant |
Jeff Gertler |
Assistant's Cell |
312-524-2812 |
Assistant's Email |
Jgertler@scrapmetalservices.com |
Club Phone |
708-798-0514 |
Club Fax |
708 798-6664 |
Club Pro |
Adam Turney |
Pro's Email |
adamturney@idlewildcc.net |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Alec Sloan |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Ben Bradbury |
Chef |
Jeff Rupp |
General Manager |
Peter Corydon |
Superintendent |
Kurt Sams |
Innsbrook |
Slope/Rating: 134/71.3 Par:
72 |
Captain |
Marino Stath |
Captain's Cell |
219-313-3793 |
Captain's Email |
mpstath@gmail.com |
Assistant |
Jerry Bardeson |
Assistant's Cell |
2197432601 |
Assistant's Email |
jrbardesono@gmail.com |
Club Phone |
219-980-9060 |
Club Fax |
Club Pro |
Pro's Email |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Jeff St. Germain |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Chef |
Billy Mix |
General Manager |
Superintendent |
Bob Wollenberg |
Kankakee |
Slope/Rating: 124/68.8 Par:
70 |
Captain |
Brett Gordon |
Captain's Cell |
708-870-8048 |
Captain's Email |
gordo69@comcast.net |
Assistant |
Matthew Schore |
Assistant's Cell |
815-260-1452 |
Assistant's Email |
mpschore@gmail.com |
Club Phone |
815-933-4738 |
Club Fax |
Club Pro |
Josh Heintzman |
Pro's Email |
golfpro@kankakeecountryclub.com |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Shane Altizer |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Chef |
Stephen McCauley |
General Manager |
Richard Arden |
Superintendent |
Lincolnshire |
Slope/Rating: 130/70.4 Par:
72 |
Captain |
Brian Berg |
Captain's Cell |
708.372.3907 |
Captain's Email |
bberg77@gmail.com |
Assistant |
Adam Hage |
Assistant's Cell |
708.275.6457 |
Assistant's Email |
adam.hage.u3ak@statefarm.com |
Club Phone |
708.672.5090 |
Club Fax |
708.672.8226 |
Club Pro |
Steve Hosack |
Pro's Email |
srhosack@aol.com |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Brad MacFarlane |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Chef |
Izzy Salinas-Canseco |
General Manager |
Melissa Cialdella |
Superintendent |
Eric Gabelmann |
Midlothian |
Slope/Rating: 131/72.1 Par:
71 |
Captain |
Dan Jarka |
Captain's Cell |
708-514-4500 |
Captain's Email |
lfh7909@gmail.com |
Assistant |
David Doubek |
Assistant's Cell |
708-473-2200 |
Assistant's Email |
david.d@mmprx.com |
Club Phone |
708-371-2626 |
Club Fax |
708 388-7013 |
Club Pro |
Brandon Adair |
Pro's Email |
midlopro@hotmail.com |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Rob Stockwell |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Nick Phillips |
Chef |
John Scieszka |
General Manager |
Tom Ahern |
Superintendent |
Chris Flick |
Olympia Fields |
Slope/Rating: 136/71.5 Par:
72 |
Captain |
Dave Mistic and John Finnin |
Captain's Cell |
312-735-7079 |
Captain's Email |
dmistic@me.com |
Assistant |
Assistant's Cell |
708-362-1575 |
Assistant's Email |
johnfinnin@comcast.net |
Club Phone |
708-283-7663 |
Club Fax |
708-748-6752 |
Club Pro |
Doug Farrell |
Pro's Email |
dfarrell@ofcc.info |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Max Couch |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Micah Voorhis |
Chef |
John Beck |
General Manager |
Adam Nickerson |
Superintendent |
Sam MacKenzie |
Prestwick |
Slope/Rating: 136/72.4 Par:
72 |
Captain |
Tim Gowen |
Captain's Cell |
708-903-0858 |
Captain's Email |
tim.gowen@heartland-controls.com |
Assistant |
Joe Chiaro |
Assistant's Cell |
708-612-5395 |
Assistant's Email |
joe.chiaro@yahoo.com |
Club Phone |
815-469-5550 |
Club Fax |
815 469-8482 |
Club Pro |
Dan Bisazza |
Pro's Email |
dbisazza@prestwickcc.com |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Ryan Siffermann |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Casey Healy |
Chef |
Daniel Sotelo |
General Manager |
Ed Tindall |
Superintendent |
RJ Budd |
Ridge |
Slope/Rating: 134/71.5 Par:
70 |
Captain |
Cameron Goth |
Captain's Cell |
708-476-1496 |
Captain's Email |
cgoth2001@yahoo.com |
Assistant |
Michael Fons |
Assistant's Cell |
708-473-2214 |
Assistant's Email |
mfons31@gmail.com |
Club Phone |
773 238-9405 |
Club Fax |
773 238-6934 |
Club Pro |
Rich Dukelow and Jonathan Lipsey |
Pro's Email |
rdukelow@ridgecc.org |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Chef |
Jack Lamey |
General Manager |
Dawn Fairley |
Superintendent |
Kris Kvelland |
White Eagle |
Slope/Rating: 136/72.3 Par:
72 |
Captain |
Chip Wagner |
Captain's Cell |
630-269-8258 |
Captain's Email |
chip@wagnerappraisal.com |
Assistant |
Dean Vanderbaan |
Assistant's Cell |
630-921-8800 |
Assistant's Email |
vbaan@aol.com |
Club Phone |
630.983.6836 |
Club Fax |
630.544.3529 |
Club Pro |
Tyler Keith, PGA |
Pro's Email |
tylerk@whiteeaglegc.com |
Assistant Pro 1 |
Nick Fauerbauch |
Assistant Pro 2 |
Joe Sterr, PGA |
Chef |
Shawn Morgan |
General Manager |
Chad Drake |
Superintendent |
Jim Canning |